Monthly Archives: March 2011

Safety issues discussed at Tribunal

by Harvey Wrightman

Wm.K.G. (Bill) Palmer, P.Eng , whose specialty was safety and risk management for Ontario Hydro, said this about safety and the wind industry,

“A problem that exists is that unlike mature technologies where failure events are carefully documented, studied and shared so that the entire industry can learn from failures, the wind industry tends to be competitive, and focused on confidentiality. Wide reporting of failures has an adverse impact on investor confidence. Further, an adversarial relationship with the public developed early on… failures are not well communicated to the public… there is no publicly available database of wind turbine failures maintained by the industry …”

I attended the March 2 ERT session in Toronto. I can’t write about Bill Palmer’s testimony as his status as an expert witness is still in limbo – a bit odd, as watching him expound on 2 very arcane subjects, wind turbine noise and safety issues, I was left with the impression that Bill is more than an expert – he insists that it is his duty to explain technical matters in a way that all can understand. The cross-examinations by Mr.Engel and Ms Huckins were both rather abruptly ended when they posed questions that highlighted the inconsistencies of their own arguments – many times in this case I have watched the lawyers choke while chewing. Read the rest of this entry

Engineering reports a sham

by Harvey Wrightman

With 500 turbines proposed for the area from Hwy 402 up to Goderich – looking like a porcupine, there will be no place to hide. Who will take us in? That was my thoughts as I drove past the Kent Breeze wind project.

So it was with interest that I listened to the Director, Mansoor Mahmood, who issued the “rush” REA for Kent Breeze. This he explained, was because:

1) the company had certain unspecified contractual obligations – hard to imagine someone telling Suncor to , “…Move it”, but perhaps that was the case.

2) and fortunately, the MOE had no “backlog” as it was initiating a new approval process.

Most of the Director’s  presentation was the usual extended journey to no-wheres-ville that Ms.Rotter,  “Freddy”, is so well-known for. With some sign of exasperation, the panel chair questioned the possible relevance to human health the detailing of “storm water provisions” had. Taking the cue, the Director launched into ministerial self-congratulation , noting that the design of the installation was so good that the land is still available for farming. I should like to point out to Mr.Mahmood that as I drove past Kent Breeze, I saw many new large pools of  liquid that the construction of new service roads had coralled.  It looked more like a project of Ducks Unlimited. Read the rest of this entry

Wind opponents to stage march on MPPs office

By PAUL MORDEN, The Observer

March 21, 2011 

Esther Wrightman was organizing a wind turbine protest march to the Strathroy office or Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP Maria Van Bommel when she noticed something interesting about the route.

The 550-metre distance from the Kenwick Mall parking lot to Van Bommel’s downtown office is the same distance wind turbines in Ontario can be erected adjacent to homes.

The coincidence led Wrightman to call the April 2 event, The 550m March to your MPP’s Office.

“I hope it catches on and other towns do it too,” she said.

Wind opponents say 550 metres is too close for people living near wind turbines and they want Queen’s Park to place a moratorium on new wind farms and commission a study of their impact on human health. Read the rest of this entry

The 550m March to your MPP’s Office!

Join the Protest!  Spread the Word!
Sat., April 2nd, – 11:00AM – Downtown Strathroy

Head & Front St. (Kenwick Mall) to MPP Maria Van Bommel’s office MAP

The 550m March to your MPP’s Office!

(it’s not that far- just as close as a wind turbine can be from your home!)


What’s at Stake?

Your family and farm’s health
Noise, vibration, stray voltage, shadow flicker, flashing red lights:
These can cause sleep disturbance, chronic stress, depression, migraines, nausea, memory loss, dizziness, vertigo, burning sensations, and have adverse effects on farm animals such as breeding cattle.

Mass industrialization of rural Ontario
Impact on birds and bats, destruction of natural and social environments, visual impact, loss of farmland.

Impact on your property values
Density and proximity of IWTs to our homes, farms and communities can result in a drastic loss in your home’s market value.

Rise in your electricity costs
Big $$$ paid to wind companies + new transmission: up, up, up! 

Lambton-Kent-Middlesex- Over 500 Wind Turbines proposed/built in this riding.
Thamesville, Alvinston, Petrolia, Ravenswood, Arkona, Adelaide and anywhere in between.

Ms. Van Bommel has agreed to meet us at her office and speak to the crowd at 12:00 noon. Bring signs (homemade ones are great), kids, pets, noisemakers/instruments, costumes.

Park behind the Kenwick Mall.    View IWT Protest March – Strathroy in a larger map

Print  Protest flyer and hand out to those who oppose wind turbines!

More info?

Wind Turbines: Friend or foe?

March 10, 2011 London Free Press