Zephyr Project

Zephyr Wind Farm (Watford, Brooke-Alvinston)
Green Breeze Energy Inc (Oneworld) – Sold to Schneider Power
Status:  Operational

Project Documents

10MW (4 – 2.3MW Wind Turbines )

  1. I was wondering if the turbines are still going up
    Please get back to me ASAP thank u!!

  2. Folks – get your baseline medicals done now so there is a basis for comparison if/ when wind syndrome symptons appear. Make your family doctor aware of what wind syndrome is and allow your medical records to be made available for future litigation. This is the approach we’re taking with the CAW turbine in Port Elgin. We’re also getting our municipality to enter into a “Contract for Health and Safety” with the operators so that if doctors confirm the adverse effects, these turbines get shut down.
    Good Luck
    Paul Kuster
    Port Elgin

  3. Melodie Burkett

    All the very best at your protest. I am so inspired by your passion to put a stop to this madness. Your children and grandchildren are so worth it. Remember to spread out so your line looks longer. How far is Watford from Creemore? Never mind I will goggle map it. If I can make it I will be there. If not I will look forward to reading about your success at making a stand. BRAVO folks BRAVO.

    PS. Long day? Bring lawn chairs and sit down with coffee right on township road allowance that you pay for and block the SOB’s

  4. Not only should you get baseline health studies done, but the community, if it hasn’t already, should also get some baseline noise data. You will find that your existing nighttime background noise level is very low and that noise levels at residents homes that are allowable by Ontario Regulation 359/09 will be very noticeable.

    If the project goes through and residents begin to experience health problems, you will then be able to relate those directly to changes in your soundscape.

    All the best for your appeal.

    • The management and some shareholders looted more than $500 million dollars before putting it into bankruptcy. People like Larry Davis (DCM Erectors), John Cobb, Bill Wallace and Brent Hall should be put in jail for their crimes. This didn’t happen by chance, I have been telling people about their fraud since I discovered it in 2007.
      Dan Dwyer

      • “Sick” hardly describes this. So where are all these people and the $500 million now? Not likely in Canada…. This was the second GEA project ever approved in Ontario — what an example set for all future projects to get approved.

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