Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne urged to meet with rural leaders

Kevin MarriottBy Paul Morden, Sarnia Observer
Enniskillen Township Mayor Kevin Marriott says he knew getting a moratorium on new wind farms in Ontario was a long-shot when he hand-delivered his request to the Premier Kathleen Wynne. It was in a letter he gave her when they met up Monday at the Grain Farmers of Ontario March Classic conference in London.

A past-director on the board of the grain farmers commodity group, Marriott was serving as a master of ceremonies at the conference Wynne had agreed to attend. The opportunity to speak directly to Wynne came along as wind company agents have been knocking on doors in Enniskillen and looking for landowners willing to lease land for wind farms. “I put some thought into it last weekend when I knew I might have the chance to talk her and give her a letter,” Marriott said.

It says wind energy development is dividing rural communities. It also ties turbines to high electricity prices the mayor says hurt Ontario’s manufacturers and jobs. Along with asking for a moratorium on new wind projects, while federal health officials study its impact on human health, Marriott’s letter urges Wynn to meet with rural leaders. He said the premier appeared open and willing to consider the request when he spoke to her Monday, but he added, “She stopped short of promising anything.” Read article

Posted on March 23, 2013, in Government, Municipalities. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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